POWERSHOT® Rebound Board + Curved Board

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Ref : TA2121
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✅ Bounce board for working on passing and ball control. The perfect training companion.
✅ Supplied with a curved board to hook onto the back of the board to work on aerial balls
✅ Patented product
✅ Foldable, easy to transport thanks to its wheels
✅ The only board providing you with a real ball return, similar to a pass from a teammate
✅ Can be used by seniors, youth, U15, U11, U9...
✅ 3 different angles: 20°, 45° and 90°.
✅ Dimensions: 1x0.75m
✅ Collaboration with Frank Leboeuf


The one and only rebound board with real ball return! Adjustable inclination, curved board, easy to transport thanks to wheels ⚽️


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