Coach shelter 2- 3m

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Ref : FA033
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1 755.99£
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Ref. FA033This football dugout makes the perfect protective cover for football training and matches. Ideal as a coach shelter or substitution bench. Natural finish aluminium tube frame, cross section 30x30mm. Composed of 1m long UV-resistant panels. Back and side panels in transparent polycarbonate, 3-mm thick.Lower section is made of melamine resin, 4mm thick.PVC seats or wooden bench (specify your choice in the order).Delivery time : 3 to 4 weeksExternal dimensions :75/120 x 205cm (lower depth/ upper depth x height)Choice of length:3m - 6 seatsColour: red PVC seats


Ref. FA033This football dugout makes the perfect protective cover for football training and matches. Ideal as a coach shelter or substitution bench. Natural finish aluminium tube frame, cross section 30x30mm. Composed of 1m long UV-resistant panels. Back and side panels in transparent polycarbonate, 3-mm thick.Lower section is made of melamine resin, 4mm thick.PVC seats or wooden bench (specify your choice in the order).Delivery time : 3 to 4 weeksExternal dimensions :75/120 x 205cm (lower depth/ upper depth x height)Choice of length:3m - 6 seatsColour: red PVC seats



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